Profile PictureChris Archer

THE HERO PHYSIQUE - Build An Aesthetic Body Naturally

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"THE HERO PHYSIQUE" has one simple goal:

To give you the aesthetic body of a hero as fast as possible, naturally.

A heroic physique is lean, aesthetic, and powerful, but ALSO looks fast and dangerous.

Here are some examples of "heroic" physiques:

None of these guys are bodybuilders. I didn’t include Arnold or the Rock here for the obvious reason that their physiques are impossible to get naturally.

(Plus, a juiced-up musclebound physique is NOT a “heroic” physique)

All of the above physiques are attainable naturally.

Whether or not the actors used PEDs is another story, but with enough time and effort, you CAN achieve a physique similar to those above, and even better.

This program is for men who want to look like HEROES.

This is a weightlifting program. You will need access to a basic gym with:

  • Barbells
  • Dumbbells
  • A cable machine

This is a simple, brutally effective program with the SOLE PURPOSE of building as much muscle as possible in the 5 key areas:

  • Shoulders
  • Chest
  • Back
  • Arms
  • Yoke

We will train legs as well, but this is an upper-body dominant program because that is the most important part of an aesthetic physique.

The core program is 6x a week, but there are options to lower that to 3-5x per week if that fits your schedule better.

The workouts are all 45-60 minutes, with no junk volume. Every single exercise has been selected for a specific reason, and I chose only the MOST EFFECTIVE exercises. This is a LEAN, MEAN program designed to get you in and out of the gym with zero wasted time.

The nutrition program is a COMMON SENSE APPROACH that includes all the guidelines you need to get lean and shredded so you can grate cheese on your abs.

You will NOT be counting calories, eating chicken & broccoli, or weighing out little portions in tupperware.

You will NOT be following a strict, miserable diet.

You will be FEASTING LIKE A KING while getting shredded.

I will show you:

  • Exactly what foods to avoid (most of the time)
  • Exactly what foods to consume heartily
  • How to build a simple, healthy, delicious nutrition plan that is inexpensive and doesn't take much time
  • How to make sure you never have to count calories or macros again
  • And much more

I will teach you all the elite training and nutrition secrets very few people know... that will not only allow you to get lean and jacked faster than ever before, but will allow you to enjoy the process and LIVE WELL while doing it.


This is a program BY a natural lifter, FOR natural lifters.

I will NOT be bullsh*tting you about "building 15lbs of muscle in 2 months!!"

I will lay out the FACTS about natural lifting, including:

  • How fast you can realistically expect to build muscle and lose fat
  • What the optimal rate of weight gain/loss is
  • How long it will take to build a heroic physique
  • The optimal way to bulk & cut

I will also go into detail about why you should stay natty and NOT take steroids/PEDs.

This program is NOT for you if:

  • You are brand new to lifting (Although not 100% necessary, I recommend at least 3 months experience before beginning this program to learn the basic exercises and let your body adapt to lifting weights)
  • You are severely overweight (by about 40lbs/18kg or more)
  • You have severe injuries that need to be rehabbed (you will be training HARD)
  • You want to simply bulk and get as big as possible, no matter the cost
  • You want a giant, mutant bodybuilding physique

This program is PERFECT for you if:

  • You are skinny/underweight and want to build a powerful, muscular physique
  • You are overweight and want to get shredded while building muscle
  • You want a lean, aesthetic, six-pack physique like the heroes and movie stars
  • You are stuck with a boring program that doesn't seem to be building muscle the way you want it to


My name is Chris Archer.

I started out as a scrawny 130lb ectomorph, and built 60lbs of muscle/lean body mass over the next 5-6 years completely naturally.

I started lifting weights when I was 18, and I have now been lifting for 10+ years.

I tried every program and made every mistake you can imagine along the way.

I ran all of the following programs for at least 6 months:

  • Starting Strength/Stronglifts 5x5
  • 5/3/1 by Jim Wendler
  • nSuns powerlifting
  • Mike Mentzer "Heavy Duty" bodybuilding
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger's bodybuilding program
  • Kinobody's Movie Star Masterclass
  • Jonni Shreve's Ultimate PPL
  • Dozens of other programs for a few months here and there

I've also written my own programs many times and optimized them over the years, as well as spent tens of thousands of dollars on elite personal trainers and coaches.

All of this is to say:

I've tried it all.



I know what will get you strong.

I know what will build muscle.

I know what will get you excited to lift, and what will make you dread lifting.

I took everything that WORKS and threw out everything that doesn't, and refined it all down into the single most effective natural physique-building program on the planet...

...and I say that with COMPLETE confidence.

But I'm not the only one who says that:

"The Hero Physique" walks you step-by-step through the entire process of training and eating to build an amazing, aesthetic physique that turns heads.

And if you're anything like me, it's a FUN program. It's all the good stuff, all the fun exercises, and none of the crappy stuff you hate doing.

It's the exact program I wrote for myself and ran for a long time when my only goal was to GET JACKED ASAP and have a good damn time doing it.

I specifically designed it to be the last natural bodybuilding program you'll ever need.

This isn't a "12 week program" or the "first phase."

This is THE program that will take you from wherever you are now ALL THE WAY to an aesthetic, heroic physique.

And it comes with a full 30-day money back guarantee. (Although so far no one has asked for it.)

Grab the program now, and finally get the perfect roadmap to the awesome physique you've always wanted.

Godspeed ⚡️

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30-day money back guarantee

If you don't like the program for whatever reason, simply email the word "Refund" to within 30 days and I will refund your purchase in full.

Last updated Nov 30, 2023

Chris Archer's flagship weightlifting and nutrition program for natural lifters

Nutrition program included?
Exercise demonstrations?
Yes - links to YouTube demonstrations
Extremely effective?
9.56 MB
86 pages
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THE HERO PHYSIQUE - Build An Aesthetic Body Naturally

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